Frequently Asked Questions
Stay informed and worry-free. Find the answers that
you need to elevate your NODX experience
General information
We’re so sorry about that. Head on over to Service to notify us regarding your issue.
In the mean time, read our Product Warranty to learn more about the coverage of your product, or reach out to us via email or WhatsApp for assistance.
We would love to! Although we appreciate your enthusiasm, we only ship within the Southeast Asia region at the moment. Good news is that you can be the first to know when we do by simply joining our Newsletter to stay updated.
Book an online session with our product specialist to assist you with what you need. Alternatively, visit our Service Center on Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 17:00 (GMT+7).
We love your enthusiasm! Thank you for believing in our vision and mission. Head on over to our Partner page to register.